US Dollar Swedish Krona Rate (USDSEK)

Here is the current US Dollar Swedish Krona rate. Foreign exchange rate for USDSEK including todays high,low and change.

Symbol Price High Low Change
USDSEK 10.81 10.83 10.78 -0.0147
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US Dollar Swedish Krona News


*Close price adjusted for splits.**Close price adjusted for splits and dividend and/or capital gain distributions. Loading more data ...

US Dollar to Swedish Krona Spot Exchange Rates for 2014

Welcome to the 2014 USD SEK history summary. This is the US Dollar (USD) to Swedish Krona (SEK) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2014, covering 365 days of USD SEK historical data.

USD/SEK Exchange rate

Note: All information on this page is subject to change. The use of this website constitutes acceptance of our user agreement. Please read our privacy policy and legal disclaimer. Trading foreign ...


The focus today is on the US CPI report. Another soft reading is expected, and it may strengthen ideas of a Fed cut in September, which ostensibly give it time to cut again before the end of the year.

Citi lists 'Trump trades': Short oil, US over Europe, and more

Citi analysts outlined several strategic trades dubbed "Trump trades," in a note Friday, focusing on the anticipated market movements influenced by a potential Trump presidency and the upcoming Fed ...