Australian Dollar Japanese Yen Rate (AUDJPY)

Here is the current Australian Dollar Japanese Yen rate. Foreign exchange rate for AUDJPY including todays high,low and change.

Symbol Price High Low Change
AUDJPY 100.66 101.50 100.32 0.1010
Buy / Sell

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Australian Dollar Japanese Yen News

AUD/JPY Price Analysis: Rebounds slightly, awaits continuation of correction

AUD/JPY shows a minor correction to the upside, landing at 100.70, yet records a losing week. The short-term bearish trend continues, despite the minor gains, as the pair has lost more than 7% since ...

AUD/JPY edges higher to 100.75-80 area, upside potential seems limited

The AUD/JPY pair attracts some buyers during the Asian session on Friday and looks to build on the previous day's goodish rebound from the 99.20 area, or its lowest level since April 22. Spot prices ...

AUD/JPY tumbles like we’re in a crisis, Nikkei hammered by stronger yen

It doesn’t feel like we’re in a crisis, making me wonder just how long the current bearish move will last? AUD/JPY has been among largest casualties, hammered lower by a combination of China pessimism ...

JPY: AUD/JPY Bounce Holds, But Rally Looks Wholly Corrective

The partial bounce of lows for xxx/JPY continues into NY hours, as the most beaten-down crosses recover off the lows - but show very little sign of a step-change in the bearish trend direction.


The US dollar has bounced a bit during trading on Monday, as we continue to see it recover against the Japanese yen. However, the Bank of Japan will be speaking in less than 24 hours. ...